Without a Dowry
Aleksandr Ostrovsky
Drama, 16+
Director — Aleksandr Bargman
Scenography — Anvar Gumarov
Costume Designer — Elena Zhukova
Choreographer — Nikolay Reutov
Lighting Designer — Taras Mikhalevsky
One day in Bryakhimov city. In this vicious city, the dowerless Larisa Ogudalova lives in a trail of former feelings for Paratov, a wealthy gentleman, a meeting with whom disrupted the way of life of both. Today he is returning after his precipitous departure, but a lot has changed over the past year. A lot, but not Larisa's feelings.
Cruel games with feelings and unrequited love are not so terrible as the incredible ruthlessness, lightness and destructive simplicity with which people do the cruelest and unforgivable things. In Bargman's “Without a Dowry” everything is rapidly changing — feelings, words, actions and even imminent death. This play is more than a drama about love. This is a search for truth, the power of action, a cry of despair and a struggle in the name of feelings.
Aleksandr Bargman on the performance:
“Working on Ostrovsky is always a painful delight. Ostrovsky always has a lively energy in his plays, fighting for the life of the spirit, soul, and freedom. Ostrovsky is sensual, knows about and of love, and tries to fight for it in all his plays, even if this love is doomed to lose. My "Without a Dowry" is not about a victim of fate, but about a man fighting for the freedom of his feelings.”
October 28, 2023
2 hours 30 minutes with one intermission.
Cast of characters:
Larisa Ogudalova — Olesya Kazantseva
Sergey Sergeevich Paratov — Aleksandr Bargman
Mokii Parmenych Knurov — Pavel Yulku
Vasily Danilych Vozhevatov — Stanislav Gorelov
Yuliy Kapitonych Karandyshev — Viktor Bugakov / Oleg Ryazantsev
Harita Ignatievna Ogudalova — Anna Vartanyan
Robinson — Plamen Peev / Gennady Alimpiev
Ivan — Ilya Yakubovsky