Версия для слабовидящих

The Dog in the Manger

Based on the play by Lope de Vega
Tragicomedy, 16+

Director — Ekaterina Koroleva
Scenography — Maria Rogozhina
Costume Designer — Irina Arlacheva
Lighting Designer — Dmitry Vikulov
Choreographer — Marina Yashina
Composer — Anatoly Gonye
Music Director — Artyom Mustaev
Executive producer — Anastasia Dubasova

The young widow Diana de Belflor having inherited a successful perfume company, is doing everything possible to keep the business, not deprived of the attention of competitors. She quite succeeds, as long as romantic feelings do not interfere in the matter, which put the hostess of the company before a choice — love or prosperity.

The performance “Dog in the Manger”, based on the play by Lope de Vega of the same name, is about Spanish passions, intrigues and the sweet aroma of intoxicating love. Here, modern interiors will replace 17 th century castles, and business suits — lush skirt hems.


June 15, 2024


2 hours 20 minutes with one intermission.

Cast of characters:

Diana, Countess of Belfor — Daria Rumiantseva
Teodoro — Dmitrii Beliakin
Marcela — Anna Migitsko
Fabio — Vladimir Kochurov
Tristan — Viacheslav Korobitsin
Anarda — Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Tatiana Polonskaia / Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Zoya Buriak
Marquis Ricardo — Artem Kisakov