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Time and the Conways

John Boynton Priestley
Drama, 16+

Director — Aleksandr Bargman
Scenography — Anvar Gumarov
Costume Designer — Nika Velegzhaninova
Makeup Artist — Elena Bundas

The family gets together to celebrate the coming age of majority of Kay Conway, a young writer who believes that she will definitely write a full—fledged novel. The celebration is filled with guests and ringing laughter. Everyone is making plans and looking forward to the future with hope.

Twenty years later. The house, once filled with love and joy, has changed beyond recognition. And all its inhabitants did the same alongside with it...

The performance of Aleksandr Bargman creates tension, causes acute emotions and attracts the audience's gaze to the characters of the production. He plays and teases, and his plot resembles the scripts of Alfred Hitchcock films, where the audience worries about every step of the characters. You can only watch where dreams lead, and hope that the members of the Conway family will not deviate from their intended path.

The premiere of the first edition of the performance took place on December 16, 2011 on the stage of the FMD Theater (Theater of the Dostoevsky Museum). The premiere of the new edition took place on the stage of the Theater “Priut Komedianta” on September 2, 2023.


September 02, 2023


3 hours with one intermission.

Cast of characters:

Mrs. Conway — Oksana Bazilevich
Alan — Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Vitaly Kovalenko / Aleksandr Martynov
Kay — Daria Rumyantseva
Madge — Natalia Boyarenok
Robin — Arseny Semenov
Hazel — Maria Sandler
Carol — Ekaterina Karmanova
Joan Helford — Anna Arefieva / Anna Kuznetsova
Ernest Beevers — Pavel Yulku
Gerald Thornton — Aleksandr Lushin / Oleg Senchenko